Quality Assurance/Quality Control
Our success depends on the improvement of the quality of our services while protecting resources, properties, assets and interests of the company, public, natural resources, and the environment as well as our business associates. As we consider the humans’ life, health and safety being the most valuable virtue, we must be committed and responsible to their wellbeing in all activities we undertake at work, at home and in life general.
The objective of the Health, Safety and Environment Policy of the SPSS is to be in compliance with all applicable legislations and laws within our operations of radiation protection, NORM management, industrial hygiene, and environmental projects to conduct all operations in a manner that promotes safety and minimizes risk with continuous improvement.
To achieve our objectives, we do in minimum:
1. Consult, listen, share, and respond to our clients, employees, contractors, and other organizations that may work with us. Obtain their support.
2. Ensure an effective HS&E management by training and assuring technically competent workforce.
3. Apply monitoring processes to assure that our systems are functioning properly, and hazards and risks are identified, assessed prevented or minimized.
4. Be innovative in recognizing, identifying, and preventing/minimizing potential risk factors.
5. Document and report our performance to maintain integrity of our work and gain confidence of our contacts.
Our SPSS company policy is regularly updated as necessitated with audits and reviews as our commitment to safety remains priority number one.
The objective of the Health, Safety and Environment Policy of the SPSS is to be in compliance with all applicable legislations and laws within our operations of radiation protection, NORM management, industrial hygiene, and environmental projects to conduct all operations in a manner that promotes safety and minimizes risk with continuous improvement.
To achieve our objectives, we do in minimum:
1. Consult, listen, share, and respond to our clients, employees, contractors, and other organizations that may work with us. Obtain their support.
2. Ensure an effective HS&E management by training and assuring technically competent workforce.
3. Apply monitoring processes to assure that our systems are functioning properly, and hazards and risks are identified, assessed prevented or minimized.
4. Be innovative in recognizing, identifying, and preventing/minimizing potential risk factors.
5. Document and report our performance to maintain integrity of our work and gain confidence of our contacts.
Our SPSS company policy is regularly updated as necessitated with audits and reviews as our commitment to safety remains priority number one.
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